Sunday, January 28, 2024

Exam Stress ?

 Exams are around the corner.Are you stressed? Let's talk about it...

Have you ever been stressed watching your favorite movie? Have you ever forgotten the lines of your favorite film song? Did u get stressed while playing? Did u ever get stressed scrolling instagram  for hours together?  Did you get stressed playing video games?

Answer is Never...why then exam stress? 

Because we have made it that way. No student says I enjoyed in school today...No Student finds himself lost while studying...Basically , we have made education and learning a means of livelihood....Why you study ? Because you want to earn money? Is money a motive behind learning...? Then we are not learning...We should learn because we really want to learn something new, something interesting.  

Now from teachers perspective : As teachers , we have a bigger role to play. Why my student is not getting good marks? Again marks marks Rank...Did you get first Rank in school in all classes , did you top in all subjects? You are a maths teacher and you are teaching maths to a student who is not interested in maths but he is good at sports then you are teaching fish how to climb a tree. You have so many plants in ur garden. All plants do not blossom at the same will blossom in the morning and other will blossom only in the evening. You are putting fertilizers beating the plant to blossom at evening whereas it can blossom only in the morning. Please change your perspective.  Do not expect student to show interest in subject he doesnt like. Change your teaching style. Make the class vibrant and interesting. Please allow him to talk in class. Let him ask you questions for which you don't know the answers. Admit you don't know and tell him you will learn and teach him tomorrow.  Make sure you do it next day. You are not just teaching , you are learning every day. You are part of a nation building process. 

Now for parents :  You have done a wonderful job by bringing your child into this world. stop with that. Don't try to fulfill your dreams through him. Don't advise him. He knows better than you. You job is to water the plant and enjoy seeing it grow and blossom of its own. When he fails in an exam you should be the first person to whom he shares his feelings.  He should not be afraid to fail. If he cant face failures if he cannot handle it how will he handle life? Hug him and say "I still love you, Failure is part of life" 

Now to my dear students : You are great. You are wonderful just by being yourself. Do what your heart says. Listen to your heart. Enjoy learning. Focus on efforts and give your 100%. Success will follow you. All the Best. You are the Best. 

